Mario Kart Ride
Project of the course "Education, Games and Entretaintment" that I attended during my master studies at Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Mixed-Reality, Interaction, After Effects
The goal of this project was to design and simulate an interactive attraction for a thematic park, taking into consideration the theory learnt in class. Our group decided to design a real-life Mario Kart ride, where the visitors could race a kart in an indoor circuit and could have the same powers as in the videogame.
The project included the design of the track, its duration and throughput, the queues, and the maintainance and also the analysis of its interactivity, technology, user experience, inclusivity, etc. To represent it, we edited a video which was projected from above and simulated the view of track from the user in real-size.
Do not miss the video of the simulation!: